Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to The Okayest Momma. I decided on this name for my blog because I think that no matter how hard we try, sometimes we are all just okay. As moms, we want to do our best for our families. We may have different demands, be in different seasons of parenthood and our support systems can vary widely. I also think that the title will give you a little insight into who I am, and hopefully, it will make me more relatable. I am not the mom that has the spotless show home, perfect children, or high-powered career. There is nothing that resembles perfection here. Well, my pimento cheese recipe comes pretty close. I do not want to present some super carefully curated um, lie about who I am. I think we are all inundated with airbrushed, photoshopped, professionally organized media and it is just deceptive. It isn’t real. I don’t know about y’all but that makes me feel like crap and I don’t want to be a part of that.

What I will offer you is something real. All this realness will include some of my absolute favorite recipes including ones that have been reworked to be low carb or alpha-gal friendly, or both. I will share stories with you about my family. I have been married to my smoking hot husband for 15 years. We have this incredibly kind, empathetic, but also smart-mouth teenaged daughter that will almost certainly roll her eyes every time I write about her so that probably won’t happen often. You know, I have to respect her privacy and autonomy and all. I will also share things about my rogue free-range chickens and our show goat operation. I may even occasionally reference a favorite true-crime podcast or documentary. All of these things bring me joy and I hope you can find something here that sounds familiar and makes you feel as though you are among friends.

I invite you to take a look around and let me know what y’all think.